Video Interviews

Coffee with the Candidates Interview – February 2025

For the 2025 town election, Eileen Jay sat down with Jim Shaw for the Coffee with the Candidates interview taped by LexMedia. Eileen Jay is running for re-election to a fourth term on the Lexington School Committee. Please watch this interview to learn about issues facing the schools (40:42 mins)

Coffee with the Candidates Interview 2022

Eileen Jay had the pleasure of sitting down with Jim Shaw for the Coffee with The Candidates Interview done by LexMedia. Please view this interview to learn about Eileen’s views on issues facing the School Committee. (23:51 mins)

Lexington Locals Interview with Beth Sager 2022

Beth Sager talked with Eileen Jay in front of Bridge School. In the first half of the video, Eileen talks about what had led up to her interest in Lexington Schools and why she ran for School Committee. In the second half, she talks about her views on education and the exciting work that LPS is doing. (15:24 mins)