Eileen Jay is my candidate

by Patricia Valda

I met Eileen Jay during a Site-Base School Council/PTA’s joint effort to get parents from our different communities more involved and active in our schools. Right from the start, she impressed me with her incredible experience in our town’s and schools’ related issues, as well as her leadership skills. I have witnessed her drive in embracing responsibilities and commitments with passion, dedication and intelligence, throughout our work together.

Not only an effective advocate of our schools, Eileen has also been a major force behind the efforts to stop one of the biggest problems that our schools face today: Student stressShe was one of the leaders behind a presentation to the School Committee on student stress that lead to the creation of the Ad Hoc Committee for Youth at Risk.  She is the lead author on the report produced by the committee, which had much needed recommendations about stress reduction and management for the schools, town, and community. 

All her years of experience as a parent volunteer, as a Site-Base school Council, and as an academic in education field make her the perfect candidate for our School Committee.

As a mother of three children who currently are in the Lexington schools, as well as a very active Lexington resident, I truly believe that Eileen Jay is the independent, smart, decisive, level-headed leader that we desperately need in the Lexington School Committee.

I ask that you join me in voting for Eileen Jay to the Lexington School Committee on March 1st. If you want to know more about Eileen Jay, visit her website: jayforschoolcommittee.com 

Patricia Valda Luzio, Follen Road



Jay will be first-rate on School Committee

By Van Seasholes

Eileen Jay has the personal qualities, professional qualifications, and history of service to our community to make her a first-rate member of the School Committee.

I first met Eileen when we were members of a committee planning a memorial to Michael Fiveash, Lexington High School teacher of Latin and mythology.  We were in agreement that Michael was one of the very best teachers we had ever known.  Eileen contributed much to our work.  She listened carefully to other members and made thoughtful comments and suggestions.  She was always willing to take on tasks large and small that needed doing.  The end result was a memorial program in January 2014 at Cary Hall attended by nearly 300 former students, colleagues, parents, and other members of the community.

Eileen, who has a  doctorate in education from Harvard, has worked for twenty years as a parent and community volunteer to help make the Lexington Public Schools the strong institution it is today.  Continue reading

Eileen Jay for School Committee

By BJ Rudman

Eileen Jay would be an excellent member of the School Committee and I urge Lexington voters to cast one of their two votes for her. I have worked with Eileen for several years on efforts to reduce the unhealthy stress being experienced by Lexington youth, most recently on the School Committee’s Ad Hoc Committee on Youth at Risk, which I co-chaired.  Eileen played a key leadership role in the development and preparation of the Ad Hoc Committee’s report and has been actively involved in the follow up to the report, most notably with the Lexington Community Coalition. She is intelligent and knowledgeable, and strongly committed to both high quality education and the emotional well being of the students.

BJ Rudman, Flintlock Rd.

Jay brings knowledge of cultural diversity

By Gwen Wong

I could not support a candidate more strongly than I support Eileen Jay, School Committee.  She is the full package: she’s intelligent, thoughtful and a great listener; she means what she says, and she is a deep and independent thinker with a wealth of experience. Eileen got her doctorate in education at Harvard, worked and wrote about improving classroom teaching and culture. In 2014, on the Ad Hoc Committee for Youth at Risk, she was a lead author of a detailed, comprehensive report on student stress for the School Committee. Eileen believes we can always accomplish more through professionalism and collegiality, and has consistently demonstrated that she works well with fellow committee members. Continue reading

Jay brings unique credentials

By Bob Ruxin

Lexington is incredibly fortunate to have so many highly qualified residents willing to devote countless hours to volunteer public service. One such individual, Eileen Jay, would bring unique credentials to the School Committee.

With a Doctorate in Education from Harvard University, Eileen focused her academic and professional research on how students learn and how to foster critical and creative thinking. As a mother of two children who attended Lexington elementary, middle and high schools, Eileen shared her knowledge, her passion for high quality public education, and her compassion for students, families, and teachers by volunteering in a variety of school-related roles. Continue reading

Jay understands diversity

By Weidong Wang

I am writing to support Eileen Jay for her election to the School Committee.

I came to know Eileen a few years ago when she started to work with CAAL (Chinese American Association of Lexington) on various school related projects, including the PTO/PTA forums and issues on Asian student stress. Later she joined CAAL Executive Committee and headed the CAAL Education Committee. I can tell from interacting with her that she cares about the schools and students whole heartedly. As we worked together longer, I got to know that she has professional experience as an educational researcher with a PhD degree from Harvard, that she has actively involved with schools for a long time, and that she has continued to do so even after her kids have all graduated from Lexington school system. Continue reading

Jay has the right background

By Jennifer Roney

With significant challenges facing Lexington’s schools, the composition of the School Committee will impact our children’s educational experience for many years to come. Eileen Jay stands out among the School Committee candidates for her background in education and her extensive experience advocating for Lexington’s children. She would be a thoughtful, collaborative, and effective steward of our schools. I enthusiastically support Eileen’s candidacy, and urge the community to join me in voting for her on March 1.

A parent of two recent graduates who attended elementary, middle, and high school here, Eileen understands the full arc of Lexington education. She is also an expert in learning, with a doctorate in education from Harvard and professional experience investigating how children learn and how to nurture creative and critical thinking. Continue reading

Jay got experience behind the scenes

By Stann Chonofsky

It is not often that Lexington gets the chance to vote for a
candidate who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes in the very area
where she is seeking election.  Eileen Jay gives us all just such an

Eileen has been actively involved in helping other parents, and in
helping with school policy for at least the 8 years I have known her.
As a member of site councils, both at Clarke and at LHS, and as an
active participant at the weekly LHS parents’ discussion group, Eileen
has listened to problems, made suggestions when appropriate, and fed
back important ideas to administrators and School Committee members.
She has always done so in a polite and unassuming manner, Continue reading

Letter to Minuteman by Eileen Jay

Jay Outlines Reasons for Running

I am excited to be a candidate for one of two seats on the School Committee in the March election. My professional background and many years of active involvement with Lexington schools are well-matched to the needs facing our schools.

As a professional educational researcher, I bring in-depth understanding of teaching and learning. I have a Doctorate in Education from Harvard where I conducted research that delved deeply into how students learn. I am excited about the opportunity to work with our new superintendent as she forms an educational vision for our schools, and hope that my research insights could be beneficial.

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