Eileen Jay uniquely qualified

by Bill Hurley

Eileen Jay is a highly educated member of the Lexington School Committee, having been chair and vice chair during her tenure. She is committed to the intellectual, social and emotional development of all students as evidenced by her leadership in these positions. I witnessed these when I was chair of the committee a few years ago.

Also, Eileen is an active listener who encourages different perspectives and options of colleagues and the community before she casts a vote. She is a life long learner experienced in education research and effective teaching and learning. Her focus is to support the development of skills and interests of all Lexington students.

As a superintendent of schools for 14 years, including one year as interim superintendent of LPS after my retirement, I appreciate the importance of a highly functioning school committee. We live at a time when the nature of traditional schooling, as we knew it, is quite different for today’s students, staff and parents. Eileen is uniquely qualified to address today’s challenges for governing policies. I encourage you to visit her website at jayforschoolcommittee.com to learn more about why I believe she is deserving of one of your votes for Lexington School Committee.

— Bill Hurley, Young Street

Vote for Eileen Jay on March 7

by Suzanne Lau

Join me in voting to re-elect Eileen Jay for School Committee on March 7! We in Lexington are fortunate to have Eileen advocating tirelessly for our students on School Committee. I have known Eileen for over 10 years and during that time she has taken on increasingly important roles working intensely for the students in Lexington — starting with parent volunteer activities like LHS Parent Group and the Clarke and LHS School Councils, Ad hoc Committee for Youth At Risk, Student Health Advisory Council to her election to School Committee in 2016. Eileen’s tenure on School Committee has given her broad and deep experience with the challenges facing our schools.

Eileen prioritizes academic excellence for all students, in addition to the development of life-long skills in learning. She seeks to balance academic growth with the social, emotional and mental health needs of students. She is a strong supporter of diversity and curriculum that includes histories, experiences and identities of all cultures. Eileen approaches concerns thoughtfully and with caring, while bringing her extensive knowledge and experience to the table. She listens carefully and with an open mind to the perspectives of all stakeholders before making decisions.

I hope you will join me in supporting voting for Eileen on March 7.

— Suzanne Lau, Phinney Road

Vote Eileen Jay for insightful and sound guidance

by Ann Boese

I am writing to urge voters to support Eileen Jay for School Committee on Election Day, Monday, March 7. Eileen brings an impressive depth of experience to the School Committee. Professionally, Eileen has a doctorate in education from Harvard, and worked as a researcher, studying and writing about how one teaches and develops critical thinking skills. As an incumbent, and member of the School Committee for the past six years, she has a deep knowledge of how our school system works, the key issues we face in these complex times, and most importantly — how to get things done. With more than 20 years volunteering in our town, both as a parent and a Town Meeting member, she knows and has a demonstrated commitment to our community and its well-being. Finally, Eileen has a particularly important quality in leadership; she is an experienced listener. Eileen is committed to hearing the voices of all — community, students and staff — and what she learns informs her decision-making.

We need steady leadership to guide our schools through the hard work, exciting opportunities and unique challenges ahead. I have no doubt Eileen will provide insightful and sound guidance regarding the academic, social and emotional needs of our students.

— Ann Boese, Spring Street

Vote to Re-elect Eileen Jay

by Layla Hariry

Please vote to re-elect Eileen Jay to the School Committee.  

I am a Lexington resident since 1998 with three children who have recently gone through the LPS system.  But I am also the daughter of a teacher nearing retirement who also resides in town.  As a family we all feel deeply indebted to all the opportunities Lexington has given my children.  We are unquestionably committed to making sure Lexington schools continue to offer the academic excellence my children experienced for our town’s children in the future.  However, we are also personally mindful of the financial pressures of living in a town that has provided my children incredible golden opportunities I could have never imagined. 

I have know Eileen Jay for over 15 years, since she was an LHS mother organizing a parent support group that met weekly at Lexington High School.  She has enthusiastically continued managing the parent group of recent LHS alumni weekly from that time.  She even arranged to shift it to Zoom throughout the pandemic to offer a lifeline of support and community when all public spaced closed down in-person meetings.  Through these weekly group discussions, coming on two decades, I’ve come to know Eileen Jay’s values, expertise, and personal circumstances.  With a doctorate from Harvard’s School of Education, I appreciate the wisdom she always offers, developed through both years of formal training and hands-on experience as the Chair of the Lexington School Committee.  I have also seen her fortitude and warmth in facing the challenges of juggling college bound high school boys, while also supporting the wishes of aging parents nearing one-hundred, wanting to remain in their home, the home she grew up in Arlington.  

I know the academic ideal and fiscal reality is always a hard circle to square, but I trust Eileen Jay understands, from first hand experiences developed over decades of the critical importance of balancing academic excellence with the needs of all in our community.  So please join me in voting to re-elect Eileen Jay to continue working to make Lexington’s future brighter for all.

— Layla Hariry, Bowker Street

Support for Eileen Jay by Former Colleague

by Bill Hurley, former School Committee Chair

I am pleased to write this letter of support for EIleen Jay as candidate for reelection to the Lexington School Committee. Having served as a member of the committee with Eileen for two years, I witnessed first hand her commitment to the advancement of student growth in all areas during that time. In fact, I know that Eileen has long been an active student advocate. Her involvement as a volunteer citizen advocating for the intellectual and emotional well being of all our students even predates her election to the committee.
The role of a school committee is to work hand in hand with a superintendent to develop and implement clear policies of the Committee that address challenging and safe procedures to enhance learning environments for all students and staff. Eileen is sensitive to the complexities involved in this charge. In addition, members need to enhance the working relationship with a superintendent while holding the superintendent to high standards in oversight of a budget and policies approved by the committee.
During this past year EIleen has served as Chair of the Lexington Committee and established a positive and collaborative relationship with Dr. Julie Hackett to the benefit of the school system. I am confident she will continue to serve at a high level in her role as a school committee member and urge all voters to vote Eileen to another three year term.
Bill Hurley, Young Street

Eileen Jay Seeks Re-election to School Committee

by Eileen Jay

I am excited to announce my candidacy for re-election to the School Committee in the March 4 election.  I truly enjoy the work and love collaborating with others to provide the best educational experience for our students.

As current Chair of the School Committee and member for the past three years, I have played an active role in recent accomplishments of the committee.  I was Co-Chair of the Superintendent Search Committee, which engaged in a thorough, transparent process that included community and staff input.  We are thrilled to have Dr. Julie Hackett as our new superintendent.  As Chair of the Policy Subcommittee, I played a vital role in drafting a new homework policy and other policy revisions.  I have worked on many important issues facing our schools, including increasing enrollment, accessing space needs, design and construction of building projects, student stress and mental health.

I am excited to continue working as a team with my colleagues and Dr. Hackett to address the challenges ahead.  With increasing enrollment, it is vital to address space needs at the high school and other levels in a way that balances capital needs with fiscal concerns.  The district’s efforts on diversity, equity and inclusion aim to embrace the diversity of our student body, support inclusion, and provide equitable opportunities for all students.  I look forward to developing an educational vision that reflects our values and aspirations for student learning and that will establish priorities for the district.  I am committed to continued work on helping students find balance between achieving academic fulfillment and maintaining their health and well-being.

To me, it’s an exciting time to do this work.  I am grateful for the opportunity to enrich the learning experience for our students.  I ask for your support in my re-election.

For more information, visit jayforschoolcommittee.com

Eileen Jay

Waltham Street

Student representative endorses Jay

by Abby Schwartz, student representative on the School Committee 

This morning I received an email from Eileen Jay, current candidate for the Lexington School Committee asking for my endorsement as the student representative to the School Committee. After researching her and the other candidates I have decided to give her my endorsement. First let me say that I did not find anything wrong with the other candidates, and I think it is important to keep local politics less divisive than national politics. The following are the reasons I am endorsing Eileen Jay:

  • She is a parent of recent LHS graduates and seems in tune with the academic and social climate within the schools.
  • She is already working to reduce stress withing the schools.
  • She favors having the education system in Lexington focus on learning, and instilling a love of learning, rather than on getting into the most exclusive college.
  • She is in immediate action to alleviate overcrowding, and is in favor of the budget override. She also favors doing something beyond modulars to fix overcrowding at the high school.
  • She has a background in education research around critical thinking and creativity, and worked with Howard Gardner.
  • She is able to explain her positions eloquently and clearly without using excess jargon and acronyms.

Abigail Schwartz
School Committee student representative
Concord Avenue

Retired principal supports Jay

by Barbara Manfredi, Former Principal at Bridge Elementary School

I am writing to endorse the candidacy of Eileen Jay for School Committee.  She is an outstanding candidate and I can personally attest to her excellent qualifications.  As a Bridge parent, Eileen volunteered for years in her two sons’ classrooms and enhanced the curriculum.  Her passion for the Lexington Public Schools was apparent from the beginning. Eileen demonstrated her commitment to students and how they learn.  Eileen has a rich background in educational research.  She understands the challenges facing Lexington.  Eileen is a thoughtful, reasonable woman who advocates for all of our students.

There are many important educational and fiscal decisions to be made and Eileen has the leadership and executive skills to be involved in those decisions.  Eileen is smart and collaborative.  She will provide the necessary balance that the School Committee needs in order to be successful.  Eileen understands the key areas of need and will work toward accomplishing the mutual goals of the group.

I wholeheartedly support Eileen Jay’s candidacy and hope you will join me in casting one of your two votes for her on March 1st.

Barbara Manfredi, Retired Bridge Elementary School Principal
Taft Avenue

Eileen Jay best qualified to serve on SC

by Olga Guttag

This year we have strong candidates vying for two seats on the School Committee. I am most impressed by Eileen Jay, whom I met during last year’s election campaign season, and with whom I have worked on assorted school-related issues ever since.

Eileen has devoted her life to education, has a graduate degree in an area of education that is most important, and – most of all – has worked as a volunteer in our schools for about 20 years. She did not just stick to the classrooms that her children attended. She offered her considerable skills system-wide. This background gives her an excellent understanding of the programs we offer at all levels in our schools, and their strengths and weaknesses.

A School Committee candidate who has solid working knowledge of school system operations can be an effective elected member from the start.   Eileen will have enough knowledge to understand what questions to ask, and how to evaluate proposals the administration will bring to the School Committee. From my talking to her I know that she will use her rich background to ask the tough questions and, applying her considerable analytical skills, will help her colleagues and the Superintendent strengthen our already excellent schools. 

Since Eileen is and always has been a collegial, supportive and modest person, she will be a true asset to the School Committee.  I expect that our new superintendent will appreciate taking some of Eileen’s ideas and running with them in her usual energetic way. I can’t wait to see the positive energy Eileen will bring to the School Committee.

On March 1st please join me in casting one of your School Committee votes for Eileen Jay!

Olga Guttag, Former School Committee Member

Emerson Road

Eileen Jay has my Rousing Support for SC Member

by Harvy Simkovits

I’ve known Eileen in many school and town-related capacities over the years. She brings to her School Committee candidacy a PhD in Education, an involvement in the Lexington elementary, middle and high schools, and a desire to help students and parents manage the challenging demands of the Lexington school curriculum and system. She has been very involved with site-based school councils and with school committee members, especially participating in the search and decision to bring on our new superintendent. These varied experiences put her in a great position to represent our community well on the SC. What particularly stands out about her is a desire to listen and learn, and to engage our parents and community in the issues and challenges that face our already great schools. She has her own strong beliefs and works to seek understanding and consensus among parents and peers. She understands and takes into consideration the diverse views and needs of our town. Our Lexington community would be well served by engaging and leveraging her talents for our schools. Do stand with me to vote for Eileen on March 1.

Harvy Simkovits, Angier Road