Student representative endorses Jay

by Abby Schwartz, student representative on the School Committee 

This morning I received an email from Eileen Jay, current candidate for the Lexington School Committee asking for my endorsement as the student representative to the School Committee. After researching her and the other candidates I have decided to give her my endorsement. First let me say that I did not find anything wrong with the other candidates, and I think it is important to keep local politics less divisive than national politics. The following are the reasons I am endorsing Eileen Jay:

  • She is a parent of recent LHS graduates and seems in tune with the academic and social climate within the schools.
  • She is already working to reduce stress withing the schools.
  • She favors having the education system in Lexington focus on learning, and instilling a love of learning, rather than on getting into the most exclusive college.
  • She is in immediate action to alleviate overcrowding, and is in favor of the budget override. She also favors doing something beyond modulars to fix overcrowding at the high school.
  • She has a background in education research around critical thinking and creativity, and worked with Howard Gardner.
  • She is able to explain her positions eloquently and clearly without using excess jargon and acronyms.

Abigail Schwartz
School Committee student representative
Concord Avenue